
Past Articles: 2024

2024-07-01 YIDFF 2025 Information
View People View Cities—The World of UNESCO Creative Cities 2025: Call for Entries (YIDFF 2025 Information)
2024-05-27 Conversations with Documentary: YIDFF 2023 Interview Collection (Interviews)
2024-03-29 YIDFF 2023 Visual Booklet (Publications)

From the YIDFF Office

2024-01-28 New Year’s Greetings


2024-02-29 Yamagata Bunka no Kairo Festival 2024 / Yamagin Kenmin Hall Open House 2024: Kids Film Workshop


2024-07-11 The YAMAGATA Documentary Film Library Friday Theater (August)
2024-05-01 The YAMAGATA Documentary Film Library Friday Theater (June–July)
2024-03-08 The YAMAGATA Documentary Film Library Friday Theater (April–May)
2024-02-29 Yamagata Bunka no Kairo Festival 2024 / Yamagin Kenmin Hall Open House 2024
“Welcome to the World of Stop-motion Animation!”
2024-02-19 The YAMAGATA Documentary Film Library Friday Theater (March)
2024-01-28 Friday Theater Special Edition + Yamagata Film School for Citizens: TV Documentaries produced by Local Yamagata TV stations; Featuring SAY

Other Screenings

2024-03-23 YIDFF Films: Theater Information
2024-01-22 Little Palestine, Diary of a Siege, A World Not Ours Screenings in Shimotakaido Cinema