2010-11-11 | The YAMAGATA Documentary Film Library Friday Theater (December–January)

Screenings at the Yamagata Documentary Film Library present documentaries and movies rarely shown on television or in theaters, including works from the Film Library vaults.

The YAMAGATA Documentary Film Library Friday Theater

December 10 (Fri)
14:00, 19:00 (screens twice)
The Lightning Testimonies
Dir: Amar Kanwar / INDIA / 2007 / Video / 113 min / YIDFF 2009 International Competition
16:30 (single screening)
In the Name of God
Dir: Anand Patwardhan / INDIA / 1992 / 16mm / 91 min / YIDFF ’93 International Competition, Citizens’ Prize

December 17 (Fri)
14:00, 19:00 (screens twice)
(Lineup TBA)

January 14 (Fri)
14:00, 19:00 (screens twice)
Hedgehog in the Fog
Dir: Yuriy Norshteyn / USSR / 1975 / 35mm / 10 min
and more

January 28 (Fri)
14:00, 19:00 (screens twice)
Three Day War in Narita
Dir: Ogawa Shinsuke / JAPAN / 1970 / 16mm / 50 min
Filmmaking and the Way to the Village
Dir: Fukuda Katsuhiko / JAPAN / 1973 / 16mm / 54 min

[Venue] The YAMAGATA Documentary Film Library (Yamagata Big Wing 3F)
[Admission] Free admission for members (Member’s fee: 3,000 yen for one year), One day ticket:1,000 yen
[Presented by] YIDFF (NPO)
[Contact] phone: 023-666-4480 (YIDFF Yamagata office)

Upcoming Friday screenings

February 18 (Fri)  Films about Yamagata 1
February 25 (Fri)  Films about Yamagata 2
(This program is subject to change)