2018-08-28 | The National Conference of Community Cinemas 2018 in Yamagata

Since 1996, this annual conference has been held in order for film exhibitors all over Japan to exchange information, attend presentations, engage in discussion and interact with one another. The conference is open to local movie house operators, film festival organizers, curators of cinematheques, public facilities and cine clubs, independent film exhibitors, distributors, students of film and culture policies, and those interested in the activities of community cinemas. This year’s conference will be held in Yamagata in coming September, with a great variety of screenings and talk sessions.

Period (The National Conference of Community Cinemas 2018 in Yamagata): September 28 (Fri)–29 (Sat)

September 28 (Fri)  [Venue] Sun River Hall, 2F Yamagata Grand Hotel
September 29 (Sat)  [Venue] Yamagata-shi sogo fukushi center, Forum Yamagata
For programs, schedules and application, please refer to the Community Cinema Center’s website. (in Japanese)
phone: 050-3535-1573 (Community Cinema Center)

For more information Community Cinema Center website: The National Conference of Community Cinemas (in Japanese)