2008-11-28 | Monthly YAMAGATA December

These two works about family and romance by a second-generation South Korean immigrant living in Australia were praised by the late Sato Makoto when he was a juror for New Asian Currents at YIDFF 2001.

Our talkshow guest will be Yamanouchi Etsuko, who has worked as an interpreter at the YIDFF since the very first festival in 1989. Fujioka Asako from the YIDFF’s Tokyo Office will M.C. We look forward to seeing you there.

Monthly YAMAGATA December: Back-to-back screenings in Tokyo
Families and romance in a multicultural society

December 22 (Mon) 19:30 (Open 19:00)
Screenings: Soshin: In Your Dreams & A True Story about Love
Talkshow with Yamanouchi Etsuko

Soshin: In Your Dreams
Dir: Melissa Kyu-jung Lee / AUSTRALIA / 1999 / Video / 26 min / YIDFF 2001 New Asian Currents
A True Story about Love
Dir: Melissa Kyu-jung Lee / AUSTRALIA / 2001 / Video / 27 min / YIDFF 2001 New Asian Currents
Uplink Factory
1,500 yen with one drink
phone: 03-5362-0672 (YIDFF Tokyo Office)