YIDFF 97 Screening List
| International Competition | Jurors lFims | Special Invitation Films |
| New Asian Currents |
| The Pursuit of Japanese Documentary: The 1980s and Beyond |
| Japanese Panorama | Imperial Japan at the Movies |
| YIDFF Network Special Screenings | Japanese Classic Films |
| New Asian Currents |
| The Pursuit of Japanese Documentary: The 1980s and Beyond |
| Japanese Panorama | Imperial Japan at the Movies |
| YIDFF Network Special Screenings | Japanese Classic Films |
*=Additional Screenings
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International Competition | ![]() |
- Africas: How Are You Doing with the Pain? [Raymond Depardon / FRANCE / 1996 / The Mayor’s Prize]
- Alpine Ballad [Erich Langjahr / SWITZERLAND / 1996]
- Amsterdam Global Village [Johan van der Keuken / THE NETHERLANDS / 1996]
- La Comédie-Française ou l’amour joué [Frederick Wiseman / FRANCE / 1996 / Special Prize]
- Fragments Jerusalem [Ron Havilio / ISRAEL / 1997 / The Robert and Frances Flaherty Prize]
- Homesick Eyes [Hsu Hsiao-ming / TAIWAN / 1997 / FIPRESCI Prize]
- Lines from the Heart [Christina Olofson / SWEDEN / 1996]
- Paper Heads [Dušan Hanák / SLOVAKIA / 1996 / Runner-Up Prize]
- Private Wars [Nick Deocampo / PHILIPPINES / 1996 / Citizens’ Prize]
- Tender Fictions [Barbara Hammer / USA / 1995]
- 3+1 [Oki Hiroyuki / JAPAN / 1997]
- Tu as crié LET ME GO [Anne-Claire Poirie / CANADA / 1997 / Runner-Up Prize]
- The Weald [Kawase Naomi / JAPAN / 1997]
- When Mother Comes Home for Christmas . . . [Nilita Vachani / GREECE, GERMANY, INDIA / 1995]
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Jurors Films | ![]() |
- For Fun [Ning Ying / CHINA, HONG KONG / 1992]
- My Own [Shaji N. Karun / INDIA / 1994]
- Walk the Walk [Robert Kramer / FRANCE / 1996]
Special Invitation Films |
- Habitual Sadness [Byun Young-joo / KOREA / 1997]
- Level 5 [Chris Marker / FRANCE / 1996]
- London Brief [Jon Jost / USA / 1997 / FIPRESCI Special Mention]
- Love’s Debris [Werner Schroeter / FRANCE, GERMANY / 1996]
- Mother Dao the Turtlelike [Vincent Monnikendam / THE NETHERLANDS / 1995]
- Murmuring [Byun Young-joo / KOREA / 1995] *
- Never Ending Summer [Hara Masato, Kaneko Tomokazu, Onuma Ryoko / JAPAN / 1997]
- Personal Memoir of Hong Kong: As Time Goes By [Ann Hui / TAIWAN / 1997]
- Personal Memoir of Hong Kong: Still Love You After All These [Stanley Kwan / TAIWAN / 1997]
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New Asian Currents | ![]() |
- Ah Ming’s Macau [Chu Iao-ian / MACAO / 1996]
- Ary Has Left for the City [Dy Sethi / CAMBODIA / 1995]
- Behind the Threshold [Diana Matuzevičiené, Kornelijus Matuzevičius / LITHUANIA / 1995]
- A Bit Bitter [Jung Ji-woo / KOREA / 1996]
- Bontoc Eulogy [Marlon Fuentes / USA, PHILIPPINES / 1996]
- A Burning Star [Onishi Kenji / JAPAN / 1995]
- Chen Tsi-gen and His Neighbors [Wu Yii-feng / TAIWAN / 1996]
- Children Only Once [Ditsi Carolino, Sadhana Buxani / PHILIPPINES / 1996]
- Devil Bridge [Temirbek Birnazarov / KYRGYZ / 1997 / Special Mention]
- Dreams of Changjiang [Feng Yan / CHINA / 1997]
- Experimentum Crucis [Taras Popov, Vladimir Tulkin / KAZAKHSTAN / 1996]
- A Fading Flower [Ng Kwok-leung / HONG KONG / 1995]
- The Fired Workers [Lee Ji-young / KOREA / 1997]
- The Forgotten Future [Ononbat Sedbazar, Tulga Radnaa / MONGOLIA / 1994]
- Hong Kong Road Movie [Makin Fung Bing-fai / HONG KONG / 1996]
- I Left the War [Prom Mesa / CAMBODIA / 1995]
- I’m A Girl Like the Others [Chheng Sovanna / CAMBODIA / 1995]
- In Search of The Dragon’s Tale [See Wan-kei, Haymann Lau / HONG KONG / 1997]
- The Labyrinth [Dolon Chowdhury / BANGLADESH / 1996]
- The Little Gayo Singer [Nan Triveni Achnas / INDONESIA / 1995]
- Lullaby [Ernest Abdyjaparov / KYRGYZ / 1997]
- A Magic Mystic Marketplace [Ranjan Palit / INDIA / 1996]
- Memory of the Soil [Shiozaki Toshiko / UK / 1996]
- Moveable Feast [Kelvin Tong, Sandi Tan, jasmine Ng Kin-kia / SINGAPORE / 1996]
- Neon Goddesses [Yu Lik-wai / BELGIUM, HONG KONG / 1996 / “We Love Cinema” Award]
- No. 16, Barkhor South Street [Duan Jinchuan / CHINA / 1996]
- Occupation: Mill Worker [Anand Patwardhan / INDIA / 1997]
- Out of Phoenix Bridge [Li Hong / CHINA / 1997 / Ogawa Shinsuke Prize, “We Love Cinema” Award]
- Paradise [Sergey Dvortsevoy / KAZAKHSTAN, RUSSIA / 1995 / Award of Excellence]
- A Port in Vain [Yamazaki Mikio / JAPAN / 1996 / Special Mention]
- Production [Wang Jian-wei / CHINA / 1996]
- A Purple Handkerchief [Kim Tae-il / KOREA / 1995]
- River Colors [Christoph Janetzko / THAILAND, GERMANY / 1995]
- The Sound of Silence [Sushma Joshi / NEPAL / 1996]
- Thnoat Chroum [Roeun Narith / CAMBODIA / 1995]
- To Be Alive! [Shabnam Virmani / INDIA / 1996]
- The Trained Chinese Tongue [Laurie Wen / USA / 1994]
- The Unconquerable [Arvind Sinha / INDIA / 1995]
- The Way [Ferenc Moldoványi / HUNGARY / 1997]
- We Are Not Your Monkeys [Anand Patwardhan / INDIA / 1997]
- Work and Work [Fuad Afravi / IRAN / 1996 / Award of Excellence]
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The Pursuit of Japanese Documentary: The 1980s and Beyond |
- Benposta—Children’s Republic [Aoike Kenji / 1990]
- The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On [Hara Kazuo / 1987]
- 15 Days [Suzuki Shiroyasu / 1980]
- Goodbye Movie [Otsuki Natsuko / 1995]
- A Grasscutter’s Tale [Fukuda Katsuhiko / 1985]
- The Innocent Sea [Katori Naotaka, others / 1983]
- Interview at Clean Center [Ogawa Shinsuke / 1975]
- Island of Light [Oshige Junichiro / 1996]
- A Japanese Village—Furuyashikimura [Ogawa Shinsuke / 1982]
- Kyoto, My Mother’s Place [Oshima Nagisa / 1991]
- Living On Kotobuki Street [Watanabe Takaaki / 1981]
- Magino Story—Pass [Ogawa Shinsuke / 1977]
- Magino Story—Raising Silkworms [Ogawa Shinsuke / 1977]
- Magino Village—A Tale [Ogawa Shinsuke / 1986]
- MaMa [Eguchi Yukiko / 1987]
- The Moments We Lived [Watanabe Yoshimitsu / 1982]
- Mothers [Kurokawa Yoshimasa / 1987]
- Nao-chan [Ise Shinichi / 1995]
- Natural Farming [Koizumi Shukichi / 1997]
- A New Story of Soap [Wakatsuki Osamu / 1982]
- Not That Way But This [Yanagisawa Hisao / 1982]
- Ode to Mt. Hayachine [Haneda Sumiko / 1982]
- The Ondekoza [Kato Tai / 1981]
- One Month with Ms. Toriyama and Children [Shinomiya Tetsuo / 1985]
- Osaka—A People’s Town [Koike Masato / 1986]
- Palestine 1976–1983 [Nunokawa Tetsuro, others / 1983]
- People of Rokkasho [Kuraoka Akiko, Yamamura Nobuki / 1985]
- Ruins of Roppongi [Sekine Hiroyuki / 1992]
- The Sound of Tiny Wings [Iizuka Toshio / 1992]
- Time Blows On [Kanai Katsu / 1991]
- U.O. [Sekine Hiroyuki / 1992]
- Umitori—Robbing of the Sea: Shimokita Peninsula [Tsuchimoto Noriaki / 1984]
- Wiping Away Tears with Fists of Anger [Miyajima Yoshio / 1991]
- Yama—Attack to Attack [Sato Mitsuo / 1985]
- Yuntanza Okinawa [Nishiyama Masahiro / 1987]
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Japanese Panorama | ![]() |
- A [Mori Tatsuya / 1997]
- 2 Duo [Suwa Nobuhiro / 1996]
- The Hidden Truth: The Records of Korean B- and C-Class War Criminals [Motohashi Yusuke / 1997]
- A Hundred Sweethearts [Utagawa Keiko / 1997]
- Phases of Real [Kawaguchi Hajime / 1997]
- Shishosetsu [Kawanaka Nobuhiro / 1996]
- What Do You Think About the War Responsibility of Emperor Hirohito? (Part Yasukuni, Aug. 15, 1996) [Tsuchiya Yutaka / 1997]
Imperial Japan at the Movies |
- The Battle of Shanghai [HONG KONG / 1937]
- Beautiful Scenery in Taiwan [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1936]
- Berdjoang (Hope of the South) [JAPAN / 1944]
- Berita Film di Djawa No.2 [JAPAN / 1943]
- Berita Film di Djawa No.7 [JAPAN / 1943]
- Berita Film di Djawa No.14 [JAPAN / 1943]
- Berita Film di Djawa No.18 [JAPAN / 1943]
- Between Sky and Earth (Frieda) [Dr. Huyung / INDONESIA / 1950]
- The Bombing of Canton [CHINA / 1938]
- Call for Romusha (workers) [JAPAN / 1944]
- Dawn of Freedom [Abe Yutaka, Herald de Leon / JAPAN / 1944]
- Days at Jinchaji [CHINA / 1988]
- Days at Yan’an [CHINA / 1990]
- The Diary of Yan’an [CHINA / 1961]
- Djawa Bahroe No.4 [JAPAN / 1942]
- Djawa Bahroe No.7 [JAPAN / 1943]
- The Emperor of Manchukuo Visits to Japan [JAPAN / 1935]
- Female Students of Taipei [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1940?]
- A Filmmaker Having Three Different Names [Kim Jae-bum / KOREA / 1997] *
- Flag of Honor [TAIWAN / 1987] *
- Flower Giant [MANCHUKUO / 1930]
- Formosa [THE NETHERLANDS / 1920-30]
- The 400 Million [Joris Ivens / USA / 1938]
- From the Windows of a Train [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1942]
- Go Ahead! My Fellow Citizens of All China [CHINA / 1938]
- Good Children of East Asia [JAPAN / 1944]
- Guerrillas Sweep The Plain [Wu Feidi, Su Li / CHINA / 1955]
- Heros of the Sky [TAIWAN / 1977] *
- Hidden Story of Yi Dynasty [Shin Sang-ok / KOREA / 1967]
- Hong Kong Before the War [UK / 1930–40]
- Indonesia Raya [JAPAN / 1945]
- Jaesjo [JAPAN / 1943]
- Japanese Crown Prince Hirohito Visits to Taiwan [JAPAN / 1923]
- Japanese Policemen Go to the Village of Taiwanese Natives [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1935]
- Keijo (Kyeong Seong / Seoul) [Shimizu Hiroshi / JAPAN / 1940]
- Khabar Dai Toa No.45 [JAPAN / 1943]
- Leaving for the Front Lines, Mobilizing Spirit [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1939]
- The Life of Romusha (workers) [JAPAN / 1944]
- Love of Their Neighbors [Okazaki Renji / JAPAN, KOREA / 1940s]
- Momotaro—Divine Troops of the Ocean [Seo Mitsuyo / JAPAN / 1945]
- Nampo Hodo Extra [JAPAN / 1944]
- Nampo Hodo No.1 [JAPAN / 1944]
- Nampo Hodo No.26 [JAPAN]
- Nampo Hodo No.43 Extra [JAPAN / 1945]
- Nampo no Tomo e (To Our Friends in the South) [JAPAN / 1941]
- Never Forget the Past [Oh Hon-rok / DPRK / 1979]
- Nippon Presents (aka. Nippon Calls) [AUSTRALIA / 1945]
- Pleasure Trip [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1943]
- Political Participation of Indonesians [JAPAN / 1943]
- Protect My Country [Ho Feiguang / CHINA / 1939]
- Sayon’s Bell [Shimizu Hiroshi / JAPAN / 1943]
- Scenes of Yan’an [HONG KONG / 1938]
- Sketch of Taiwanese Natives [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1939]
- Spade of Light: Building a Greater East Asia [JAPAN / 1940]
- The Story of Wu Pong [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1932]
- Surrender of the Japanese Army in Borneo [1945]
- Surrender of the Japanese Army in Singapore [1945]
- Taiwanese Natives in Taizhong Go to Japan [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1936]
- Tiger of Malaya [Koga Masato / JAPAN / 1943]
- Tojo Hideki’s Visit to Djawa [JAPAN / 1943]
- Tonari Gumi [JAPAN / 1944]
- Tonari Gumi, Tongan [JAPAN / 1944?]
- Tunnel Warfare [Ren Xu-dong / CHINA / 1965]
- Victory (Mei-hua) [Liu Jia-chang / TAIWAN / 1975]
- Victory of Freedom [Choi Ingyu / KOREA / 1946]
- Visiting a Shrine / Student Soldiers on Maneuvers [TAIWAN, JAPAN / 1939]
- Winter Settlement [JAPAN / 1940]
- Women Walk Together [Chen Liting / CHINA / 1949]
- Young Pioneers—Volunteer Pioneer Youth Army of Mongolia and Manchuria [JAPAN / 1940]
YIDFF Network Special Screenings |
- After School [Kobayashi Shigeru / JAPAN / 1997] *
- The Legacy of Kikuchi Masao—Sachu’s Hometown Artist [Iizuka Toshio / JAPAN / 1996] *
- Nadya’s Village [Motohashi Seiichi / JAPAN / 1997] *
Japanese Classic Films |
- An Actor’s Revenge [Ichikawa Kon / 1963]
- Bonchi [Ichikawa Kon / 1960]
- Drunken Angel [Kurosawa Akira / 1948]
- A Japanese Tragedy [Kinoshita keisuke / 1953]
- The Light House [Kinoshita Keisuke / 1957]
- The Lower Depths [Kurosawa Akira / 1957]