Map of Venues

Map: Tohoku University of Art & Design (new window)
Yamagata Central Public Hall 6F | Opening Ceremony, International Competition, Juror’s Film, Special Invitation Films, BORDERS WITHIN, FullShot, Awards Ceremony |
Yamagata Central Public Hall 4F | all about me?, YIDFF Network Special Screening, Yunnan Visual Forum, BORDERS WITHIN, New Docs Japan |
Muse 1 | New Asian Currents, New Docs Japan, Juror’s Film |
Muse 2 | FullShot, New Asian Currents, New Docs Japan |
Cinema Asahi 2 | New Asian Currents, Special Invitation Films |
Forum 4 | BORDERS WITHIN—What It Means to Live in Japan |
Forum 5 | International Competition, Special Invitation Films |
Sakura | Symposium |
Tohoku University of Art & Design | Yunnan Visual Forum |
YIDFF 2005 Information Jury Comments International Competition | New Asian Currents | BORDERS WITHIN | all about me? | Yunnan Visual Forum | FullShot | New Docs Japan | Other Screenings Schedule Map of Venues | Tickets | Accommodation FAQ |