As time permits, we plan to eventually make available on the Internet all of the past catalogs published by the YIDFF. If you cannot wait that long or want a hard copy of any of our catalogs, you can order the following publications through the YIDFF Office.
All orders should be entered on the order form (available online). Please print out the order form and send by fax or post to the YIDFF Office.

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2023
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2023. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation films, Perspectives Japan, Noda Shinkichi Retrospective: A Festival of Things and Life, Double Shadows 3: People Who Transport Films, Yamagata and Film, Cinema with Us 2023, Film Letter to the Future, View People View Cities—The World of UNESCO Creative Cities, Yamagata Rough Cut!, Yamagata Film Criticism Workshop, Enchanting Tohoku through Open-air Cinema!!, Taiwan Docs Inside Out, YIDFF Network Special Screenings. In English and Japanese. 138 pp.
1,500 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2021
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2021. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation film, Perspectives Japan, Film Letter to the Future, Yamagata and Film, Cinema with Us 2021, Yamagata Rough Cut!, Yamagata Film Criticism Workshop. In English and Japanese. 104 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2019
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2019. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation films, Perspectives Japan, AM/NESIA: Forgotten “Archipelagos” of Oceania, Reality and Realism: Iran 60s–80s, Double Shadows 2, The Creative Treatment of Grierson in Wartime Japan, Cinema with Us 2019, Yamagata and Film, Rustle of Spring, Whiff of Gunpowder: Documentaries from Northeast India, YIDFF Network Special Screenings, Finnish Saunas and Film, Yamagata Rough Cut!. In English and Japanese. 150 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2017
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2017. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation films, Perspectives Japan, Africa Views, Resonant Bodies—Fredi M. Murer Retrospective, Politics and Film: Palestine and Lebanon 70s–80s, Yamagata and Film, Cinema with Us 2017, YIDFF Network Special Screening, Special Joint Screening, Yamagata Rough Cut!, Yamagata Film Criticism Workshop. In English and Japanese. 134 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2015
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2015. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation Films, Perspectives Japan, Yamagata Rough Cut!, A Glittering Constellation, Latinoamérica, Double Shadows, Arab Program, Yamagata and Film, Cinema with Us 2015, Documentary Speaks, YIDFF Network Special Screening. In English and Japanese. 134 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2013
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2013. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation Films, Perspectives Japan, Yamagata Rough Cut!, Memories of the Future: Chris Marker’s Travels and Trials, The Ethics Machine: Six Gazes of the Camera, Another Side of the “Arab Spring,” Yamagata and Film, Cinema with Us 2013, Yamagata Manabikan, YIDFF Network Special Screenings. In English and Japanese. 142 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2011
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2011. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation Films, New Docs Japan, Islands / I Lands, NOW—Vista de Cuba, My Television, A Reunion of Taiwan and Japanese Filmmakers, Films about Yamagata, Cinema with Us, Yamagata Manabikan, YIDFF Network Special Screenings. In English and Japanese. 144 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2009
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2009. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation Films, New Docs Japan, Islands / I Lands—Cinemas in Exile, Against Cinema—Guy Debord Retrospective, Tomorrow’s a Day Away, Films about Yamagata, YIDFF Network Special Screenings. In English and Japanese. 132 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2007
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2007. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation Films, Facing the Past—German Documentaries, Dramatic Science! Yamagata Science Theater, Films about Yamagata, New Docs Japan, The Endurance and Future of 8mm Film, YIDFF Network Special Screenings. In English and Japanese. 128 pp.
1,200 yen (postage not included)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2005
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2005. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, Special Invitation Films, Yunnan Visual Forum in Yamagata, Facing the Future and Walking Tall—the Endeavors of Taiwan’s “FullShot,” New Docs Japan, BORDERS WITHIN—What It Means to Live in Japan, all about me? Japanese and Swiss Personal Documentaries, YIDFF Network Special Screenings. In English and Japanese. 134 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2003
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2003. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the Special Invitation Films, International Competition, New Asian Currents, New Docs Japan, Learning, Teaching, Filmmaking, Yamagata Newsreel!, Okinawa—Nexus of Borders: Ryukyu Reflections, The 18th National Cultural Festival “YAMAGATA 2003” Documentary Festival. In English and Japanese. 140 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2001
- Main catalog for YIDFF 2001. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the Special Invitation Films, International Competition, New Asian Currents, Filmmakers Information Center, Japanese Panorama, High School Student Workshop Films, Robert Kramer Retrospective, Kamei Fumio Retrospective, and the YIDFF Network Special Screenings. In English and Japanese. 146 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 99
- Main catalog for YIDFF 99. Features essays and information on films screened at the festival as part of the Ogawa Productions Program, Yanagisawa Hisao Retrospective, International Competition, World Special Program, New Asian Currents, Video Activism in Japan and Korea, Full Shot (Taiwan) & Cinema Juku (Japan), Japanese Panorama, and A Joris Ivens Retrospective. In English and Japanese.
150 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 97
- Main catalog for YIDFF 97. Features essays and information on the over 178 films screened at the festival as part of the International Competition, New Asian Currents, The Pursuit of Japanese Documentary: the 1980s and Beyond, Imperial Japan at the Movies, Japanese Panorama and the Special Invitation films. In English and Japanese. 132 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 95
- Main catalog for YIDFF 95. Features essays and information on the over 170 films screened at the festival as part of the Main Competition, New Asian Currents, 7 Transfigurations in Electronic Shadows, the retrospective of 1970s Japanese documentary and the Special Invitation films. In English and Japanese. 117 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 93
- Main catalog for YIDFF 93. Features essays and information on the over 150 films screened at the festival as part of the Main Competition, the Asia Program, the Indigenous Peoples Film and Video Festival, and the retrospectives of 1960s Japanese documentary and the films of Ogawa Shinsuke. In English and Japanese. 110 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 91
- Main catalog for YIDFF 91. Features essays and information on the over 150 films screened at the festival as part of the Main Competition, the Asia Program, Media Wars Then & Now, and a retrospective of 1940s and 50s Japanese documentaries. In English and Japanese. 94 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 89
- Main catalog for YIDFF 89. Features essays and information on the over 100 films screened at the festival as part of the Main Competition, the Salute to Robert and Frances Flaherty, and the retrospective of prewar Japanese documentaries. In English and Japanese. 81 pp. (SOLD OUT)