/ 1997 / English / Color / Video / 7 min
Director: Michael Shaowanasai
Producer: Gridthiya Gaweewong
Source: Michael Shaowanasai
628 1/2 w. Cornelia apt 1s, Chicago IL 60657, U.S.A.
Born in 1964. Received BFA from the Art Institute of San Francisco
in 1994, MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1996.
A multidisciplinary artist, he works in a wide range of styles, from
performance to photography, video / films to installations to metal
works. He works using whatever format will meet his goals. Creator
of "Iron Pussy, the ' dress-as-a-woman crime fighter,'"
he has already finished two episodes from the series and will continue
fighting crime and making videos / films. "Iron Pussy" will
be featured in 2000 Mardi Gras, Sydney and in the first gay parade
in Bangkok, 1999. |
Exotic 101 was originally created for the exhibition "Welcome
to My Land...Come and Taste the Paradise" at project 304 in Bangkok,
1997. The audience was invited onto a tiny stage equipped with a stainless
steel pole, headphones, and a TV monitor which faced only the viewer
on stage. Following the instructions given through the video soundtrack
heard on the headphones, the viewer plays the parts of "the performer"
while fellow viewers off-stage play the part of audience. After the
tape is finished, the table will turn to the next viewer.
This body of work required the participants to take part and experience
the experience. To view and to be viewed. Or at least to learn about
the art of being "exotic."
The work is also about the fascination of the "exotic ideal" of the
East from the point of view of the West. But if you follow the directions
correctly I guarantee that you will be Exotic in only seven minutes!