/ 1999 / Malay / Color / Video / 10 min
Director, Producer: Faizal Mohd Zulkifli, Mohd Naguib Razak
Script: Mohd Naguib Razak
Photography: Faizal Mohd Zulkifli
Sound: Mohd Naguib Razak, Faizal Mohd Zulkifli
Stills: Farid Zainuddin
Narration: Abdullah bin Muda (Haji Dollah)
Production Company, Source: Blue-in-Green Productions
Sdn Bhd 6B-1-2, The Palladium, Jalan Gurney 2, 54000
Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Phone: 603-298-9441
Faizal Mohd Zulkifli
Faizal Mohd Zulkifli, 26, is a multi-oriented artist. Recently featured
in the Fukuoka Asian Art Triennial. He works as production designer
with a local broadcasting company.
Mohd Naguib Razak
Naguib Razak, 30, is currently a feature film writer with a film production
company. Active in poetry, theater, film directing, and novel writing.
His projects include a jazz art festival and an experimental jazz
play. |
Anak Duyung is an experimental documentary video that expresses
our empathy for the fading craft of traditional plan-less, wood-based
boat building in the East Coast state of Terengganu in Malaysia. Mermaid
Island, having been for so long the heart of the boat building industry,
has but a handful of boat builders left to speak of, and Haji Dollah,
the leading craftsmen in the industry, reflects on the inevitability
of the craft's demise, having determined for so long the subsistence
of the people of that area from the harvest of the sea. The work ultimately
is a reflection on the future of the craft, the people and the children
of the island as it contends each day with the earth, water and air.