New God
/ 1999 / Japanese / Color / Video / 99 min
Director, Script, Sound, Editing: Tsuchiya Yutaka
Photography, Narration: Amamiya Karin, Ito Hidehito, Tsuchiya
Music: Kato Takeshi (Rebel Blue)
Production Company, Source: W-TV OFFICE
3-7-20-201 Ebisuminami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0022 JAPAN
Phone: 81-3-3711-5649
Fax: 81-3-3711-5639
E-mail: yt_w-tv@st.rim.or.jp
Born in 1966. Began video production in earnest from 1990. Started
releasing the shareware free-video WITHOUT TELEVISION in 1994. From
1998 supervised the independent video circulation project VIDEO ACT!
Continues activities to broaden the network of media activists. Principal
works include Identity? (1993), What Do You Think About
the War Responsibility of Emperor Hirohito? <Part Yasukuni,
Aug. 15, 1996> (1997, Screened at YIDFF ' 97 Japanese Panorama)
and Ryoko, 21 Years Old (1998). |
From fin-de-siècle Japan, miscommunication and comical interaction
between an ultra-nationalist punk band and a left-wing filmmaker who
opposes the Emperor system. Through the odd exchange arises a picture
of the Japanese today, desperate to find a place of solid grounding.
You who were born in Japan, what do you think of your country, of
things Japanese? Such matters do not concern you, perhaps? Regardless
of what you do, this society will not change - have you never felt this
kind of despair and nothingness? Weary of the compulsion of capitalism
driving you to consumption after consumption, have you never at the
instant of trying to step back noticed your own empty self? When you
lost sight of your self-worth, I expect that you, too, thought of
such things as cutting your wrists, or hiring yourself out through
a telephone sex club, or trying a tattoo. Probably.
I made this film because I wanted to probe such matters, I think.
As the modern narrative of nation, company, school and family breaks
down, we have begun to question the individual's sense of values.
To me that may be a harsh thing, yet it's a happy one. For surely
the nation is not something far off in the distance, but here and
now, arising from the connection between individuals like me and you.
If we begin from there, I believe that society will change and we'll
be able to feel our own worth as real.
But now once again the reactionary movement that seeks to reproduce
the nationalistic narrative is intense. And I am not confident that
I am as an individual truly autonomous.
Who on earth is "The New God"?
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COPYRIGHT:Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee