Other Screenings
Special Invitation Films
[Venues] M1 Yamagata Museum of Art 1, S1 Solaris 1, YC Yamagata Central Public Hall 6F

Regrettably, several filmmakers connected to YIDFF whose films made pivotal contributions to film culture have recently passed away: Nelson Pereira dos Santos, a director who headed the jury at YIDFF ’99 and was known as the conscience of Brazil’s Cinema Novo; Tamura Masaki, renowned cinematographer, a member of the YIDFF ’95 New Asian Currents jury, and who was involved with Ogawa Productions since the Sanrizuka era; Marceline Loridan, partner of the late Joris Ivens and who came to Yamagata for YIDFF ’89 and ’99; Barbara Hammer, pioneer director of lesbian and feminist films, and chair of the YIDFF ’95 jury; and Peng Xiaolian, a director who brought an unfinished documentary of Ogawa Shinsuke’s to completion. Their films will be screened in homage to their legacies. There will also be a closing screening of Angela’s Diaries—Two Filmmakers, the final collaboration of longtime co-directors Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi.
- A Japanese Village—Furuyashikimura Dir: Ogawa Shinsuke / JAPAN / 1982 / 210 min • Oct. 15 10:50 M1
Manzan Benigaki Dir: Ogawa Shinsuke, Peng Xiaolian / JAPAN / 2001 / 90 min • Oct. 15 16:00 M1
Sanctus Dir: Barbara Hammer / USA / 1990 / 19 min • Oct. 15 19:00 M1
Nitrate Kisses Dir: Barbara Hammer / USA / 1992 / 67 min • Oct. 15 19:00 M1
The Light of Tom Dir: Nelson Pereira dos Santos / BRAZIL / 2013 / 86 min • Oct. 15 18:30 S1
Closing Film- Angela’s Diaries—Two Filmmakers Dir: Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi / 2018 / 125 min • Oct. 16 YC
YIDFF Network Special Screenings
• October 11–14 [Venues] YM Yamagata Manabikan, M2 Yamagata Museum of Art 2
The YIDFF Network is a volunteer group that was brought together for the inaugural YIDFF in 1989, as an initiative of Ogawa Shinsuke. Since that time, the group has continued to be active on a wide range of levels. YIDFF Network Special Screenings are organized for each Festival, with the intention of presenting films from the volunteers’ original perspectives.
- Children Before the Dawn Dir: Yanagisawa Hisao / 1969 / 120 min • Oct. 12 12:30 YM [Admission Free]
And Life Goes On Dir: Kobayashi Shigeru / 2004 / 107 min • Oct. 12 15:00 YM [Admission Free]
Maebashi Army Airfield Dir: Iizuka Toshio / 2018 / 69 min • Oct. 14 10:00 YM [Admission Free]
Gocha Maze Koze Dir: Mukan no TO / 2019 / 153 min • Oct. 11 10:30 M2 (Yamagata Museum of Art 2)
Finnish Sauna and Film
• October 12–15 [Venues] Square in front of Yamagata Citizens’ Hall (sauna / Free Admission), S1 Solaris 1 (films)
The Finnish sauna, a space for communication with parallels to Japanese bathhouse and hot spring culture. This year in Yamagata—itself a land of hot springs—you can watch documentaries about Finnish saunas, and try one out too!
- Steam of Life Dir: Joonas Berghäll, Mika Hotakainen / 2010 / 81 min • Oct. 15 13:00 S1
Entrepreneur Dir: Virpi Suutari / 2018 / 77 min • Oct. 15 16:00 S1
- Finland Saunas
[Time] October
12 (Sat)13 (Sun) (Changed) –14 (Mon) 13:00–18:00 / October 15 (Tue) 15:00–19:00
[Venues] Square in front of Yamagata Citizens’ Hal
[What to bring] Swimming wears, towels, sandal
[Admission] Free
[In collaboration with] Finnish Film Foundation
[Supported by] Finland Embassy
[Design] Tomoyo Nakamura/buildingLandscape + Takashi Hirose/hrs architects
[Construction] Tohoku University of Art & Design Nishizawa Lab. + Tatsuhiro Ara
[Support]- CRAFT CRAYN Ltd.,
Yasuhiro Yamanaka Architects & YAMANAKA DESIGN OFFICE
Jokipiin Pellava Oy
Nystad Sauna Company
Osmia Finland
Visit Jyväskylä
Sauna from Finland