
The Future of Yamagata and Film


First-year film students at the Tohoku University of Art & Design (TUAD) learn the basics of using a video camera to film interviews. Initially, the learning of technical skills was emphasized, but it turned out to be more interesting for everyone to film interviews all on the same topic. They arranged their own interviews and each created short two-minute clips. The uniting of the clips of dozens of people generated works with an uncanny power.

I look forward to the day that some of the students that took part in will make their debut as true documentary filmmakers.

Kato Itaru

- Live Life Love

JAPAN / 2017 / Japanese / Color / Blu-ray / 112 min

Producer: Tohoku University of Art and Design

First-year students in the film department recording interviews of Yamagata Prefecture residents with disabilities. The third in a series that has previously featured interviews of people that experienced war or earthquake disasters. The lively testimonies of seventy-one people make one feel their personalities shining through, and that people with disabilities are not at all particularly pessimistic.