Ghosts of Electricity
1997 / Switzerland / English / Color / 19 min / Video
Script, Photography, Editing: Robert Kramer
Lighting: Richard Copans
Producer: Sylvia Voser
Production Company: Waka Films AG
The film is part of the stories Locarno at Half Century: Reflections on the Future. Like The Coat, it was shot in digital video with Kramer himself as the cameraperson.
“Cinema belongs to the practice of Newton, Marx, Darwin, Freud, it belongs to the industrial revolution and the construction of the modern nation-state. With the science of the founders, cinema shares a humanism, a generous preoccupation with the improvement of our lives here and now. And at the center of it all this same passionate curiosity about the world around us and about all aspects of human practice. This curiosity is capital. And the body. You can say that all the themes intersect in the human body, that cinema is the story of our bodies. This was that, and something else is happening now. The transformation is at least as great as the one worked by the industrial revolution. Because is about leaving our bodies, it is more definitive.”
—Robert Kramer (Festival Cinema Giovani 1997)
• Robert Kramer Retrospective | FALN | In the Country | The Edge | Ice | People’s War | Milestones | Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal | Guns | A Great Day in France / Birth | As Fast as You Can | Fear | Doc’s Kingdom | Route One / USA | Dear Doc | Berlin 10/90 | Video Letters: Robert Kramer and Stephen Dwoskin | Leeward | Point de départ / Starting Place | Walk the Walk | The Coat | Ghosts of Electricity | SayKomSa | Cities of the Plain | Against Forgetting |