Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal
Cenas da luta de classes em Portugal1977 / USA, Portugal / English, Portuguese / Color / 89 min / 16mm
Directors, Script, Photography, Editing: Robert Kramer, Philip Spinelli
Producers: Barbara Stone, David Stone
Production Company: New York Cinema Co.
Source: Cinemateca Portuguesa
Scenes was conceived as an essay on the political trials in Portugal after the April revolution with particular reference to the Movement for Popular Power. It was shot from 1974 to 1976, and a prologue and an epilogue were added in 1978.
“Our project wasn’t to tell ‘the Portugal Story.’ We offered scenes from the class struggle in Portugal, glimpses that were not the usual ones since Class Struggle is not an ordinary starting place for a movie. A violently fragmented montage of images interacts with a cool, imperturbable analytic text: in a way the conflict between the two is the subject of the movie.”
—Robert Kramer (Festival Cinema Giovani 1997)
• Robert Kramer Retrospective | FALN | In the Country | The Edge | Ice | People’s War | Milestones | Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal | Guns | A Great Day in France / Birth | As Fast as You Can | Fear | Doc’s Kingdom | Route One / USA | Dear Doc | Berlin 10/90 | Video Letters: Robert Kramer and Stephen Dwoskin | Leeward | Point de départ / Starting Place | Walk the Walk | The Coat | Ghosts of Electricity | SayKomSa | Cities of the Plain | Against Forgetting |