
People Who Come to the Park

(“Koen ni kuru hitobito”)
Director: NAKAJIMA Takashi

2004 Japanese Subtitled in - Color Video 14 min

Camera: NAKAJIMA Takashi, YOSHIMOTO Naoki
Cast: ABE Chiaki
  Contact Name: Image Forum, Tokyo
Phone: 81-3-5766-0116
Fax: 81-3-5466-0054
E-mail: ikd@imageforum.co.jp

[Festivals and prizes] Image Forum Festival 2004, Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto and Fukuoka.

[Synopsis] One morning in October, my eyes came to rest upon a small article in the local section of the paper. Early the day before, the body of a man in his twenties or thirties had been found. As if in complete contradiction, right across the river from the crime scene a photo-event drew adoring fans of their “idol” stars. The many phenomena that occur in one of Tokyo’s many parks. After recording these things, the camera looks high into the sky only to return to yet another park. This experimental documentary explores its subject through a cyclical structure.


Born 1951 in Tokyo. One of the founders of Image Forum. Worked as the chief director of monthly magazine Image Forum and as program director of Image Forum Festival, Tokyo from 1987 to 2000. Teaches visual work production at Tokyo University of Art and Design, Tama Art University and Nagaoka Institute of Design. Major works are Along South Bay (1971), Cessna (1974), Five Days (2003), Buried Stories (2003), People Who Come to the Park (2004).

NAKAJIMA Takashi | FIVE DAYS | People Who Come to the Park