Herman Slobbe / Blind Child 2
Herman Slobbe / Blind Kind 2- THE NETHERLANDS / 1966 / Dutch / B&W / Digital File (Original: 16mm) / 29 min
Director, Script, Photography: Johan van der Keuken
Editing: Johan van der Keuken, Cor Brandt
Sound: Dick Polack, Jaap Gerritse, Herman Slobbe
Music: Archie Shepp
Production Companies: Lucid Eye Films, VPRO TV
Source: Documentaire sur grand écran
Van der Keuken met Herman Slobbe while shooting Blind Child (1964). Herman brims with energy as he struggles through his environment, seeking the sources of sounds, and tackling various tasks. He grabs the microphone and becomes the film’s reporter.
- THE NETHERLANDS / 1965 / Dutch / B&W / Digital File (Original: 16mm) / 38 min
Director: Johan van der Keuken
Photography: Ed van der Elsken, Johan van der Keuken
Sound: Gerda van der Elsken
Editing: Johan van der Keuken, Kees Straatsma
Production Companies: Lucid Eye Films, VPRO TV
Source: Documentaire sur grand écran
Beppie is ten years old. This girl from a working-class family in Amsterdam is cheerful and full of wit as she tells the filmmaker about adventures she had that lasted a number of months. Life, death, television, love, money . . . The filmmaker follows her everyday life.

Born in Amsterdam in 1938. He began taking photographs at the age of twelve and published the photography collection We Are 17 in 1955. He received a scholarship to study in France at the Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques (IDHEC) and took up documentary filmmaking starting with Sunday (1960). Including his very short works, he would make some sixty films, establishing himself as one of Europe’s most well-known documentary filmmakers. His film The Eye Above the Well (1988) won the Runner-Up Prize in the International Competition at YIDFF 1989. Amsterdam Global Village (1996) was selected for competition at YIDFF 1997. He was also a prolific film critic and active as a still photographer. He died in 2001.
Screening Workshop Facilitators
Christophe Postic (Co-artistic Director of Lussas International Documentary Film Festival)
Has worked as an expert researcher for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and lecturer at a programming workshop at La Santé Prison in Paris. Since 2002, he has been the co-artistic director of the Lussas International Documentary Film Festival (États généraux du film documentaire). For twelve years, he has been a trainer of documentary scriptwriting workshops in Kazakhstan and Siberia. He is a member of the editorial team of the French documentary SVOD site Tënk in the selection of the films.
Nishino Madoka (Filmmaker)
Nishino studied under Henri-Franois Imbert and Claire Simon at Université de Paris 8, where she wrote a master’s thesis on Johan van der Keuken and became inspired by his body of work and its ability to engage an audience actively. In 2016, she completed the short film Meeting with Clovis: The Musicopath (Rencontre avec Clovis, le musicopathe). Her 2019 film Beyond the Language (Au-delá de la langue) screened in the 2021 YIDFF New Asian Currents program. Since completing the film Strange Foreign Language, French (Franais, langue étrangère) in 2023, she has shifted her work activity to Japan, where she continues to explore ways of creating and screening films with the aim of expanding the possibilities of engagement through documentary.
Documentaire sur grand écran
A non-profit association founded in 1991 in the suburbs of Paris, Documentaire sur grand écran regularly organizes screening programs of great interest, featuring both new work and films from its catalog of 250 documentaries assembled over its more than thirty years of activity. The association works to disseminate documentary films throughout France and other French-speaking countries.