PotonganINDONESIA / 2016 / Indonesian / Color / Blu-ray / 64 min
Director: Chairun Nissa
Photography: Chairun Nissa, Camelia
Editing: Sastha Sunu
Sound: Wahyu Tri Purnomo
Producers: Meiske Taurisia, Edwin
Production Company, Source: Babibutafilm
The film follows a director (Edwin) and his producer as they submit their film Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly to the Censorship Board as required by Indonesian law. They do so in part to document the censorship process. The film inquires into the current state of film production and screening in Indonesia as it records internal processes that include film and document submission, test screening with board members, meetings, amendments necessary for resubmission, testimony, and the personal opinions of the board members and government officials. All the while, the film also becomes a space for dialogue with independent filmmakers who continue to question this system of censorship.
[Director’s Statement] Cuts is a film that deals with the fundamental elements of human rights. It’s ironic that when directors are mature enough to take a stand and talk about the problems faced by Indonesians they meet rejection from the Indonesian Film Censorship Board (LSF). The newest program being promoted by the LSF is one of “self-censorship,” which further solidifies the losses suffered not only by filmmakers, but also by the film community and the general public. We must wonder if the LSF will ever evolve as an agency, to keep pace with developments of the nation and of humanity itself.

Born in 1984, she studied film art at the Jakarta Institute of Arts. The short fiction film Full Moon (2009) was her thesis project. She makes short films, documentaries and video clips, and also works as an art director. After Full Moon received Special Mention at the Rome Independent Film Festival 2010, her film journey had only just started. Chocolate Comedy (2013) was an official selection at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, and she also direced segments in the two omnibuses, Hi5teria (2012) and Kita Versus Korupsi (2012). Cuts (2015) is her first feature film.