
Ryoko, 21 Years Old

(“Ryoko, 21 sai”)
Director: TSUCHIYA Yutaka

1998 Japanese Subtitled in - Color - 9 min

Production Company: W-TV OFFICE
Photography: TSUCHIYA Yutaka
Editing: TSUCHIYA Yutaka
Sound: TSUCHIYA Yutaka
  International Sales: VIDEO ACT!
Fax: 81-3-3711-5639
E-mail: yt_w-tv@st.rim.or.jp

[Festivals and prizes] Yamagata IDFF ’99



Born in 1966. Began video production in earnest from 1990. Started releasing the shareware free-video WITHOUT TELEVISION in 1994. From 1998 supervised the independent video circulation project VIDEO ACT! Continues activities to broaden the network of media activists. Principal works include Identity? (93), What Do You Think About the War Responsibility of Emperor Hirohito? <Part Yasukuni, Aug. 15, 1996> (97), and The New God (99).

TSUCHIYA Yutaka | Ryoko, 21 Years Old | The New God