Are Building
Wij bouwen
/ The Netherlands / silent / B&W / 110 min / 35mm
Director, Editor: Joris Ivens
Script: Joris Ivens, E. Sinoo
Camera: Joris Ivens, Willem Bon, Jan Hin, John Fernhout, Mark
Kolthoff, Eli Lotar
Production company: CAPI Amsterdam
Commissioned by: Algemeene Nederlandsche Bouwarbeidersbond
In 1929 Ivens and his newly established CAPI film production unit
received their first commission. The General Netherlands Construc-tion
Workers' Union asked Ivens to make a film on the occasion of its 10th
anniversary. We Are Building depicts the wide range of work in which
members of the union are engaged as well as the work of the union
itself. The film shows the craftsmanship of, for instance, architects,
pile drivers, caisson builders, and reclamation work on the Zuiderzee.
Zuiderzee (1930) was a fully articulated reworking of one of
these sections. A 50-minute version of Zuiderzee (1930) would
later form the basis of New Earth (1934). We Are Building
is characterized by a tension between a formalism, as in the "Pile
Driving" episode, and reportage-like sequences elsewhere in the film.
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COPYRIGHT:Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee