Video Diary
Tilbake Fra Fronten: Bosnisk Videodagbok
/ 1999 / Bosnian / Color / Video /52 min
Director, Script, Producer: Fridtjof Kjaereng
Photography: Vladimir Matijevic, Kresimir Miketa, Zanin Zjuljevic
Editing: Diderik Cappelen
Production Company: f(x) Productions AS
Source: Norwegian Film Institute
Dronningens gate 16, P.O.Box482, Sentrum
N - 0105 Oslo NORWAY
Phone:47-22-474500 / Fax:47 -22-474597
E-mail: torils@nfi.no
Born in 1964. Studied philosophy at the University in Tromsø,
Norway. Also did film and television studies for a year in Australia.
Has worked as a producer and director for the Norwegian Broadcast
Company (NRK), mainly on documentaries. His documentaries for NRK
include Asylum, Better Than the Rumour Say, and Men Being
Raped. In 1996 he founded f(x) productions to develop progressive
documentary content for TV. For his own company he has produced and
directed They Call Me the Troll of Liquorice and Jasmina's Two
Lives as well as Bosnian Video Diary.  |
At the end of the
Bosnian War, three young soldiers were given video cameras to record
images of people's lives after they returned home. Do they see a future
in a united Bosnia, or do they want separation and independence, to
see it through this time once and for all? The soldiers - one Serbian,
another Croatian, and a third Muslim - investigate their communities
and mentalities in this personal - video - style work. From images
so personal and intimate you can almost hear people breathing arises
a clear picture of festering memories and misgivings about other ethnicities.
Are they prepared to forgive one another? For Japan, where TV world
news has already forgotten these three groups, this is a valuable
and comprehensive report on their current geopolitical and psychological
divisions. [Fukushima
before next |
COPYRIGHT:Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |