- U.S.A. / 1997 / Hawaiian, English/ Color / Video /58 min
Director, Script, Editing: David H. Kalama Jr.
Photography, Music, Sound: various
Narration: Kaipo Frias, Kekuhi K. Kanahele Frias
Producer: David H. Kalama Jr.
Production Company, Source: Kalama Productions, Inc.
76 North King Street, Suite202, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Phone: 808-536-5050 / Fax: 808 -536-5088
E-mail: mgis@aloha.net
H. Kalama, Jr.
Has worked in almost every aspect of television production and filmmaking
in a career that spans nearly 25 years. Has deep ties to Japan. For
the past five years has focused on Hawaiian cultural and historical
themes. He is currently at work on a four - part documentary series
based on the legendary Polynesian hero memorialized in songs and traditional
tales, Maui.  |
Kaho'olawe focuses
on the ' sacred ground' of the island of Kaho'olawe, locus of the
twenty - year social - political movement which came to be known as
the Hawaiian Renaissance. This island, known as the dwelling - place
of oceanic gods, was turned into a field target range for exercises
for the American navy in the postwar era. In 1976, a group of youths
went to the ' mainland' of Hawaii and initiated the first protests
against the military exercises being conducted on Kaho'olawe. As a
result, a politically and spiritually - inflected movement to stop
the military exercises and assume political self - determination took
root in the state of Hawaii as a whole. Reflecting that movement,
the narration and interviews in the film are conducted mostly in the
Hawaiian language. The activists' efforts extended not only to demonstrations
and legal actions, but also inspired archeological fieldwork on the
island and the entry in 1981 of the entire island in the US National
Register of Historic Places. In 1994, the island was returned to the
people of Hawaii. The film, beginning with early scenes of the purification
ceremony which took place on Kaho'olawe, is distinguished by the vividness
of its digital mode of production. It succeeds at relaying the distinctiveness
of this deep, rich traditional culture and the spirituality of its
subject. [Fukushima
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COPYRIGHT:Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |