Last Forest
Ultima Floresta
/ 1997 / Portuguese, English / Color / 16mm / 108 min
Director: Brasília Mascarenhas, Celso Luccas
Script: Brasilia Mascarenhas
Photography, Editing: Celso Luccas
Music: Celso Luccas, Renato Pian Sound: Chico Bororo
Narration: Peter Fry, Robin Sherif
Producer: Brasília Mascarenhas
Production Company, Source:MBrasil
Cinematografica - Cidade Das Artes
R. Manoel Carneiro534, Itanhandu
Minas Gerais BRAZIL
Phone / Fax:55-35-3611057
E-mail: cidadedasartes@altanet.com.br
Brazilian filmmaker. Has collaborated with Celso Luccas for more than20
years. Together the two brought their works to audiences around Brazil
not usually afforded access to film. Their most recent film is Parque
de Serra (1998).
Celso Luccas
Brazilian filmmaker active since the ' 70s. His earlier films took
up political themes such as the struggle for independence in Mozambique.
Author of Cinema Ambulante about his experience showing films
all around Brazil. His later films deal with environmental issues. |
A kind of road
movie which progresses through layers of visual sketches from the
entrance of the Amazon tropical forest to its unfathomable depths.
A torrent of settlers seeking El Dorado - the dream and the reality
- the lives of native people, the destruction of nature by multinational
corporations from around the world, rivers polluted by mercury used
in the process of gold extraction, the harmful effects of slash -
and - burn farming, the threats to the survival of wild animals....
This, however, is not a film that seeks protection for the ecosystem
and environment of the Amazon, the earth's lungs, or to clamor against
the sins of civilization. Neither is it a work styled as a lecture
and based on thorough research.
The diffuse and loosely structured images, "unsophisticated"in
a sense, are a far cry from the stereotypical and established harmony
we have become familiar with on TV. And it slowly but surely opens
our eyes and consciousness to the on - going chaos of deepest Amazon.[Fukushima
before next |
COPYRIGHT:Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |