The Struggle Against Endemic Diseases
(“Fudobyo to no tatakai”)JAPAN / 1961 / Japanese / B&W / 16mm / 27 min
Director, Photography: Kikuchi Shu
Editing: Tanaka Matsuko
Music: Manabe Riichiro
Based on the book by: Sasa Manabu
Producer, Script: Murayama Hideharu
Production Company, Source: Sakura Motion Picture Co. Ltd.
This film was shot on Amami Oshima and Shikoku, and has a medical survey team illustrate the infection mechanism and measures in response to filariasis, a mosquito-borne disease. It captures the reality of islanders engaged in agriculture and weaving while suffering from elephantiasis and hydrocele testis, and urgently conveys the inadequacy of countermeasures. The form has changed, but medical treatment in remote areas remains a problem to this day.