- Noda Shinkichi Retrospective: A Festival of Things and Life
- Dedicated catalog for “Noda Shinkichi Retrospective: A Festival of Things and Life” program from the YIDFF 2023. In English and Japanese. 80 pp.
1,500 yen (postage not included)

- Double Shadows 3: People Who Transport Films
- Dedicated catalog for “Double Shadows 3: People Who Transport Films” program from the YIDFF 2023. In English and Japanese. 88 pp.
700 yen (postage not included)

- AM/NESIA: Forgotten “Archipelagos” of Oceania
- Dedicated catalog for “AM/NESIA: Forgotten ‘Archipelagos’ of Oceania” program from the YIDFF 2019. In English and Japanese. 79 pp.
800 yen (postage not included)

- Reality and Realism: Iran 60s–80s
- Dedicated catalog for “Reality and Realism: Iran 60s–80s” program from the YIDFF 2019. In English and Japanese. 34 pp.
800 yen (postage not included)

- Double Shadows 2: Where Cinema and Life Converge
- Dedicated catalog for “Double Shadows 2: Where Cinema and Life Converge” program from the YIDFF 2019. In English and Japanese. 161 pp.
1,000 yen (postage not included)

- The Creative Treatment of Grierson in Wartime Japan
- Dedicated catalog for “The Creative Treatment of Grierson in Wartime Japan” program from the YIDFF 2019. In English and Japanese. 52 pp.
800 yen (postage not included)

- Africa Views
- Dedicated catalog for “Africa Views” program from the YIDFF 2017. In English and Japanese. 56 pp.
700 yen (postage not included)

- Resonant Bodies—Fredi M. Murer Retrospective
- Dedicated catalog for “Resonant Bodies—Fredi M. Murer Retrospective” program from the YIDFF 2017. In English and Japanese. 84 pp.
800 yen (postage not included)

- Politics and Film: Palestine and Lebanon 70s–80s
- Dedicated catalog for “Politics and Film: Palestine and Lebanon 70s–80s” program from the YIDFF 2017. In English and Japanese. 34 pp.
700 yen (postage not included)

- Latinoamérica—The Time and the People: Memories, Passion, Work and Life
- Dedicated catalog for the Latinoamérica program from the YIDFF 2015. Includes commentaries on the films shown, essays by experts and interviews with the directors. Japanese and English. 88 pp.
1,000 yen (postage not included)

- Double Shadows—Talking about Films that Talk about Films
- Dedicated catalog for “Double Shadows—Talking about Films that Talk about Films” program from the YIDFF 2015. Includes commentaries and discourses on the films presented in this program. Japanese and English. 172 pp.
1,000 yen (postage not included)

- Past and Future Stories of the Arab Peoples
- Special catalog for “Past and Future Stories of the Arab Peoples” program from the YIDFF 2015. This booklet includes commentaries on the films shown and essays by experts on culture and history of the region. Japanese and English. 32 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- Cinema with Us 2015
- Special catalog for “Cinema with Us 2015” program from the YIDFF 2015. This uniquely designed booklet includes a list of films shown, a collection of data and statistics about the Great East Japan Earthquake, and transcripts of two symposiums held at its previous edition “Cinema with Us 2013.” Japanese and English. 48 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- Memories of the Future: Chris Marker’s Travels and Trials
- Special catalog for this retrospective program from the YIDFF 2013, featuring the works of Chris Marker who passed away in 2012. Includes essays on the artist and his filmography, interviews and commentary on the works shown in the program. Japanese and English. 112 pp.
1,000 yen (postage not included)

- Yamagata and Film (YIDFF 2013)
- Dedicated catalog for the fourth edition of this regular program that looks at Yamagata and its relation to cinema. Includes commentary on the films shown, introduction to every sub-section such as Three University Program, “Presentation on Home Movies Association—Expanded Archives,” and symposium “Striving to Become a Creative City of Visual Culture.” Japanese and English, 38 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- Cinema with Us 2013
- Special catalog for Cinema with Us 2013 program held at the YIDFF 2013. This small book includes an essay by program coordinator Ogawa Naoto, commentary on the films shown, a transcript of Cinema with Us 2011 Symposium “Facing the Earthquake—Filmmakers” at the YIDFF 2011, and a list of documentary films on the Great East Japan Earthquake produced between 2011 and September 2013. Japanese and English, 96 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- Islands / I Lands, NOW—Vista de Cuba
- The dedicated catalog for YIDFF 2011’s special program “Islands / I Lands, NOW—Vista de Cuba.” Includes a detailed film analyses, an interview for Nicolás Guillén Landrián, and discourses by Joel del Río, Okada Hidenori, Ota Masakuni, Higa Setsuko, Carolina Arteaga Ravelo and Tanuma Sachiko. Japanese and English. 68 pp.
1,000 yen (postage not included)

- A Reunion of Taiwan and Japanese Filmmakers: 12 Years Later
- The dedicated catalog for YIDFF 2011’s special program “A Reunion of Taiwan and Japanese Filmmakers: 12 Years Later.” Includes a detailed film analyses, director’s statement, etc. Japanese and English. 40 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Support Screening Project “Cinema with Us”
- The dedicated catalog for YIDFF 2011’s special program “Cinema with Us.” Includes a detailed film analyses, director’s statement, message from activists, etc. Japanese and English. 42 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- Islands / I Lands—Cinemas in Exile
- The dedicated catalog for YIDFF 2009’s special program “Islands / I Lands—Cinemas in Exile.” Includes a detailed film analyses, essay about screening films by Tsuda Shingo, Shinjo Ikuo, Goda Masato and Ikeuchi Yasuko. In addition, art works by Kawayan de Guia and Nema Satoko makes this catalog as an art book shimazine beyond usual catalog style. Japanese and English. 128 pp.
1,000 yen (postage not included)

- Against Cinema—Guy Debord Retrospective
- This catalog was compiled for a YIDFF 2009 retrospective that screened all six films by French philosopher and filmmaker Guy Debord (1934–94). Its contents include analyses of his work by Japanese scholar Kinoshita Makoto and others; writings by Debord from the magazine Situationist International; essays by Alice Debord, Tazaki Hideaki, and Francois Albera; and an interview with Olivier Assayas. Japanese and English. 64 pp.
800 yen (postage not included)

- Films about Yamagata (YIDFF 2007)
- The dedicated catalog for “Films about Yamagata,” a program examining Yamagata via cinema. Features commentary and interviews regarding each film and more. Japanese and English (some sections in Japanese only). 72 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- Dramatic Science! —Yamagata Science Theater
- The dedicated catalog for YIDFF 2007’s special program “Dramatic Science! —Yamagata Science Theater.” Includes a detailed film analyses, an interview for Okada Kazuo, Science film companies in Japan, Favorite selections by Science Film Special Search Party, Japanese science fim chronology etc . . . Japanese and English. 32 pp.
500 yen (postage not included)

- BORDERS WITHIN—What It Means to Live in Japan
- The dedicated catalog for YIDFF 2005’s special program “BORDERS WITHIN—What It Means to Live in Japan,” an exploration of an alternative film history that brought together works focusing on the relationship between film and resident foreigners in Japan (zainichi), from Japanese and overseas perspectives. Includes a list of zainichi-related films, a chronology of zainichi Korean history, and discourses by Monma Takashi, Johannes Schönher and Fujii Jinshi. Japanese and English. 95 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Okinawa—Nexus of Borders: Ryukyu Reflections
- The dedicated catalog for YIDFF 2003’s Okinawa retrospective that transcended the boundaries of film, documentary and television to revisit the battle of Okinawa, the American occupation, and the upheaval caused by the archipelago’s return to Japanese control, spanning rare pre-war footage to recent works, and divided along the lines of ten distinct themes. Featuring a statement outlining the intent of the retrospective by Nakazato Isao, discourses by Nishitani Osamu, Aaron Gerow, and Makino Mamoru, commentaries on each sub-section and the works screened therein, essays by filmmakers, timelines and more. Japanese and English. 105 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Now, Here, and About the WorldRobert Kramer Retrospective
- Official catalog for this retrospective from YIDFF 2001 that brought together the films of Robert Kramer, who died on November 10th, 1999. Includes an interview with Kramer himself, essays and a filmography. Japanese and English. 80 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Kamei Fumio Retrospective
- Official catalog for this retrospective from YIDFF 2001 featuring the films of Kamei Fumio, whose body of work should be regarded as the precursor of Japanese documentary filmmaking. Included in this special screening were not only his documentary works, but also feature films and PR films. Includes an interview with Kameis cameraman Kikuchi Shu, essays, commentary on the films in this retrospective, a biography, and a script for Peking. Japanese and English. 132 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- KazeA Joris Ivens Retrospective
- The catalog for Joris Ivens Retrospective from YIDFF 99 is the first scholarly book devoted to Joris Ivens published in Japanese. Features essays and interviews covering every period in his life. In English and Japanese. 79 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Full Shot & Cinema Juku
- The special program was a joint Japan / Taiwan documentary symposium featuring Hara Kazuos Cinema Juku and Wu Yii-fengs Full Shot at the New Asian Currents 99. Special catalog featuring introductions of these two organization and essays by Hara Kazuo and Wu Yii-feng. In English, Japanese and Chinese. 45 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Imperial Japan at the Movies
- Special catalog featuring introductions to the films presented in the Imperial Japan at the Movies program at YIDFF 97 written by coordinator Monma Takashi. Investigates the nature of film propaganda through the documentaries, news reels, and fiction films depicting Japan and Asia during World War II. In Japanese and English. 48 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- 7 Transfigurations in Electronic Shadows
- Special catalog for the program commemorating the centenary of cinema in 1995. Includes detailed film analyses and essays, and the pamphlets The Beginnings of Cinema, the Outside of Cinema, by scholar Ueno Toshiya, and A Contemporary Perspective on Film Preservation by Michael Friend. In English and Japanese. 102 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Media Wars Then & Now
- Special catalog for the major retospective of U.S. and Japanese wartime documentary presented at YIDFF 91. Detailed film analyses and historical essays by such scholars as Tsurumi Shunsuke, Kogawa Tetsuo, Michael Renov, and Shimuzu Akira explore how each nation represented its enemy in the visual media. In English and Japanese. 288 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- The Pursuit of Japanese Documentary
- The 1980s and Beyond Special catalog for this look at Japanese documentaries from 1980 to today. Features a round table talk with Yamane Sadao, Fukuda Katsuhiko, Sato Makoto, and Araki Keiko as well as essays by participating filmmakers like Oshima Nagisa, Hara Kazuo, Tsuchimoto Noriaki, and Suzuki Shiroyasu. Includes a detailed filmography and chronology. In English. 60 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Japanese Documentaries of the 1970s
- Special catalog for the major retrospective of 1970s Japanese documentary presented at YIDFF 95. A valuable record of 1970s Japanese cinema and culture featuring essays on filmmakers like Ogawa Shinsuke, Tsuchimoto Noriaki, and Hara Kazuo. A detailed filmography supplements essays by many of the directors. In English. 69 pp. (SOLD OUT)

- Japanese Documentaries of the 1960s
- Special catalog for the major retrospective of 1960s Japanese documentary presented at YIDFF 93. A valuable record of 1960s Japanese cinema and culture featuring essays by filmmakers like Oshima Nagisa, Teshigahara Hiroshi, and Tsuchimoto Noriaki. A detailed filmography supplements an overview essay by Yamane Sadao. In English. 67 pp. (SOLD OUT)