

Director: MATSUE Tetsuaki

1999 Japanese, Korean Subtitled in English Color 16mm 52 min

Production Company: Japan Academy of Visual Arts
Producer: YAMATANI Tetsuo, YOSHIDA Hiraku
Photography: MOGI Kazuki, MATSUE Tetsuaki
Editing: YOSHIDA Hiraku, SEKI Masanori
Music: OKANO Samu
  International Sales: Japan Academy of Visual Arts
1-16-30 Manpukuji, Aso-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 215-0004 JAPAN
Phone: 81-44-951-2511
Fax: 81-44-951-2681
E-mail: yasus@eiga.ac.jp

[Festivals and prizes] Yamagata IDFF ’99, Tokyo ’99, Seoul Documentary V&FF ’99, Hong Kong 2000, Nyon IDFF 2000

[Synopsis] A reportage about one’s own Korean-Japanese family, through the eyes of a young filmmaker.
The starting point for the director, a student trying to make a thesis film, was recognizing his roots. All his life, he had avoided facing the fact that he is of Korean descent. The image of Korea he had was bleak, mostly of compulsory military seizures by the Japanese or wartime “comfort women” issues as reported in the media. His Korean grandfather had turned his back on his homeland and led an assismilated life as a Japanese. After the grandfather dies, calling his grandson “dumb ass,” the filmmaker becomes determined to research his life traversing history.

MATSUE Tetsuaki

Born in Tachikawa city, Tokyo in 1977. Saw Return of the Jedi at age 6 and was seized by an interest in movies. Since then has been consumed by foreign films on TV. In his third year of junior high school, he declared that he would become a director. Entered Japan Academy of Visual Arts in 1996. Awakened to documentary upon watching porn films in the school library. Annyong-Kimchi is his 1998 graduation film. He is now filming his next work, while working as cinema projectionist.

MATSUE Tetsuaki | Annyong-Kimchi | Identity