A Reunion of Taiwan and Japanese Filmmakers: 12 Years Later
  • Mickey Chen
  • Hsiao Chu-chen
  • Lo Shin-chieh
    Wang Hsiu-ling
  • Wu Yao-tung
  • Yang Li-zhou
  • Kobayashi Shigeru
  • Matsue Tetsuaki
  • Tsuchiya Yutaka
  • Terashima Mari
  • Wu Yii-feng
  • Wu Yii-feng
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    Born in 1960. A key figure in building the Taiwanese documentary movement after the fall of military rule. Representative of the FullShot Film Collective from 1998 to 2005.

    - Gift of Life

    TAIWAN / 2003 / Mandarin, Taiwanese / Color / DVCAM / 148 min

    Director, Producer: Wu Yii-feng
    Photography: Yang Jong-ming
    Editing: Lin Chin-hui
    Sound: Lee Jong-wang
    Narrators: Wu Yii-feng, James Liu
    Production Company: Fullshot Communication Foundation

    - - A devastating earthquake hit Taiwan on September 21, 1999. Based on the written correspondence between the director and his friend, this film illustrates the sorrow of families who lost loved ones in the disaster, and the relationship between the director and his aging father, who now lives in an institution for the elderly. Death and separation, despair, and the desire to live: the film questions the meaning of life. This film won the YIDFF 2003 International Competition Runner-up Prize.