Refutation of All Judgments, Whether in Praise or Hostile, Thus Far Rendered on the Film The Society of the Spectacle
Réfutation de tous les jugements, tant élogieux qu’hostiles, qui ont été jusqu’ici portés sur le film «La Société du spectacle»FRANCE / 1975 / French and others / B&W / 35mm (1:1.37) / 22 min
Director, Script: Guy Debord
Editing: Martine Barraqué
Mixing: Paul Bertauld
Production Company: Simar Films
Producer: Gérard Lebovici
Voice: Guy Debord
International Distribution: Love Streams Production agnès b.
Source: Carlotta Films
Debord’s long film, The Society of the Spectacle, was completed in October 1973. When it was publicly shown in May 1974, it provoked severe reactions from the film industry and the press. In order to refute the criticisms of the film, Debord produced this short film. “The specialists of the cinema have said that my film’s revolutionary politics were bad; the left-wing political illusionists have said that it was bad cinema. But when one is both a revolutionary and a filmmaker, it is easy to demonstrate that their shared bitterness stems from the fact that the film in question is a precise critique of the society they do not know how to combat; and the first example of a kind of film they do not know how to make.” (Debord)