Kamei Fumio Retrospective [PR and Educational Films]
(“Shoho”)1960 / B&W / 16mm / 18 min
Director, Producer: Inui Takeo
Script, Calligraphy: Inui Sumi
Editing: Kamei Fumio
Production Company, Source: Japan Document Film
Human beings are said to have started using the calligraphy brush more than 4000 years ago. Outstanding examples of calligraphy that can be found in ancient texts are the result of the writer’s understanding of the natural rules of hand motion and the essential qualities of the calligraphy brush. That method is “penmanship.” The film was made as a guide for people learning brush calligraphy and also as a reference material for people who have achieved some degree of expertise. It was used in schools as an educational resource for teaching Japanese children.