Imperial Japan at the Movies Publications / index / Imperial Japan at the Movies

Manchukuo , Japanese Puppet State

Using the Manchurian incident of 1931 as a springboard, the Kanto (or Kwandung) Army strengthened its rule in Manchuria and continued to exert influence in the colony. In founding Manchukuo, Japanese authorities made use of the deposed Ching emperor. While immigration to Manchuria was promoted as a remedy to, among other things, Japan's population glut, these films are the ultimate incarnation of that propaganda message.


Flower Giant (Hua Da Ren)

Production: Manchuria Cooperative Association
1930s / MANCHUKOKU / 16mm / B&W
Silent, Chinese subtitles / 24 min / Source: Tabuchi Uichiro

The film records the return visit to the front of the distinguished officer of the Russo-Japanese War, Hanada Nakanosuke.


Young Pioneers--Volunteer Pioneer Youth Army of Mongolia and Manchuria

Production: Central Division of Industrial Council of the Ministry of Colonial Department
Advisory Organization: Light of House
Photography, Editor: Sekai Film
1940s / JAPAN / 16mm / B? / Silent, Japanese Subtitles / 10 min / Source: Planet Bibliothèque de Cinéma


Winter Settlement

Photography, Editor: Ministry of Colonial Department
1940s / JAPAN / 16mm / B? / Silent
Japanese Subtitles / 35 min
Source: Planet Bibliothèque de Cinéma

An "advertisement" to encourage settlement in Manchuria. Explained that the climate in Manchuria was not as hard as believed. Finally, the rich harvest in "Japanese village" is shown.


Spade of Light: Building a Greater East Asia

Production: Manchurian Settlement Association
Supervisor: Ministry of Colonial Department
1940s / JAPAN / 16mm / B? / Silent
Japanese Subtitles / 23 min / Source: Planet Bibliothèque de Cinéma

A film inviting emigration to develop Manchukuo. Scenes of applicants for emigration being accepted, etc. are shown.


The Emperor of Manchukuo Visits to Japan

Production: Sakura Film
1935 / JAPAN / 16mm / B? / Silent / 11 min /
Sourse: Tabuchi Uichiro

A documentary of Emperor of Manchukuo, Pu Yi's 1935 state visit to Japan.

Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee