10月11日 Oct. 11 (Sat.) 個人映画の諸相Personal Documentaries |
Publications / index / Japanese Documentary |
監督:江口幸子 Director : Eguchi Yukiko |
江口幸子が、彼女自身のアイデンティティを探る題材を多摩芸術学園の卒業制作として選び発表したプライベート・ドキュメンタリー。現在の彼女の潔癖症の根元には母の存在が関係しているのではないかという起点から、かつて彼女らが住んだ宮崎から横浜までを映し出しながら、母の半生が母自身のナレーションによって語られ始める。それは母の結婚、そして幸子の誕生にまつわる事実。韓国人であったたために入籍出来ず父と母との間に私生児として生まれた幸子。母は次々と男を変えながら各地を転々とし、父の異なる子供を3人産むことになる。そして同時期の幸子自身よる記憶が母による回想とともに交互に重ねられていく。義理の父になじめなかった幸子、そしてその様子を感じとっていた母、しかし母には解決することができなかったのだ。現在の彼女の自己嫌悪と潔癖症。「母に似てきた」と言われるようになったことに戸惑い始めた時、彼女の記憶には母の母、つまり祖母の存在が大きく関わってくることになる。そして祖母の乱れた生活が母に与えた影響の大きさを知るに至って、幸子は母の半生にすこし理解を示しはじめたようにも見えてくる。彼女はついに母への直接の問いかけによって彼女の半生を別の視点から見ることになるのだが、映画ではこの母と娘の関係に明確なピリオドが打たれはしない。 | In this private documentary produced as a graduate project at the Tama Art University, Eguchi Yukiko searches for her own identity. The film begins with her wondering whether her mother might somehow be the cause of her own obsessive cleanliness. It then goes on to tell of her mother's life with a voice-over narration as the camera tracks the places she had lived, from Miyazaki to Yokohama. Next the facts of her mother's marriage and Yukiko's birth are exposed. Because her mother was Korean, she was unable to register her daughter's birth and thus Yukiko was born illegitimate. Her mother went from man to man, and moved from place to place, giving birth to three children, each with different fathers. Yukiko's memories of the past and her mother's recollections alternate, gradually building up into a story. As a child, Yukiko was unable to warm to her stepfather. Her mother sensed this, but was unable to resolve the situation. Now she is afflicted with obsessive cleanliness and self-hatred. She begins to feel troubled by being told she has come to resemble her mother, and at this point, the large role of her maternal grandmother becomes evident. In the process of learning how greatly her mother was affected by her grandmother's disorderly life, Yukiko seems to arrive at a new understanding of her mother. A question she asks her mother, just by chance, enables her to see her mother's life from a fresh perspective. The film does not, however, draw definite conclusions about the relationship between mother and daughter. |
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |