80年代作品セレクション Selected Films of the 1980s | Publications / index / Japanese Documentary |
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疾走プロダクション作品 Production Company : Shisso Productions |
前作以来13年ぶりの原一男作品であり、'80年代に於いて最も興味深い問題も提供した。主人公の奥崎謙三はバッテリー商を営んでいるが、一人で「神軍平等兵」を名乗り、かつて手製のゴムパチンコを天皇に向けて発射し、戦後初めて天皇の戦争責任を行動で告発したことがあった。奥崎は大戦中、独立工兵隊36連隊の一兵士として極限状態のニューギニアでかろうじて生き残った者の一人である。そして彼は一人で過激に「戦争責任」を叫んでいた。監督であり自ら撮影者でもある原は、この奇妙にも見える男の日常から責任追及の恐るべき孤高の行動までを追い続ける。その中で終戦後23日目に起った隊長による部下射殺事件や人肉嗜食の事実を明るみに出す一方で、奥崎自身のキャラクターを接写していく。そして彼の言動と行動は、撮影されていることを意識し始めることで徐々に激しさと狂気を増し、奥崎の仕掛けはカメラの後ろに立つ原自身にも迫ってくる。撮られることによって演じること、そして奥崎自身が現実を演出することで、虚実も曖昧なまま暴走し、ついには奥崎は確信犯として殺人未遂を犯すという事件だけが後に残るのである。 | Produced thirteen years after his last film, Hara Kazuo's The Emperor's Naked Army Marches deals with one of the most interesting questions of the 1980's. The subject, Okuzaki Kenzo, is a battery merchant. Calling himself an " Impartial Soldier of the Emperor's Army " he once attacked the Emperor with a handmade sling shot, becoming the first man to actively accuse the Emperor for the tragedies of World War II. As a soldier of Independent Engineering Troop Unit 36, Okuzaki is one of the survivors of the extremely horrific battle fields of New Guinea during the war, and he went on a radical lone crusade blaming the Emperor for what occurred there. Hara, as director and also a cameraman, follows the man's peculiar everyday life which leads up to his formidable, self-conceited acts of accusation. In the course of the film, the incident of non-commissioned officers executing soldiers twenty-three days after Japan's surrender, and the true reasons for execution (cannibalism among the starving soldiers) are revealed, whilst at the same time the personal character of Okuzaki himself is closely recorded. Okuzaki's words and deeds become gradually radicalized and insane as he begins to be conscious of being filmed, and he even directs violence towards Hara standing behind the camera. Okuzaki acts as he is filmed, and manipulates reality: the fiction within Okuzaki takes off without properly distinguishing itself from reality, and in the end Okuzaki is charged with attempted murder and jailed. |
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |