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Behind the Threshold



Director, Script : Diana Matuzevicien? Kornelijus , Matuzevicius
Photography : Kornelijus Matuzevicius
Editing : Danute Bartkuviene? Music : Faustas Latenas
Sound : Viktoras Juzonis
Production Company, Source : LKS
(Lietuvos Kino Studija)
Nemencin市 pl.4, 2016 Vilnius, LITHUANIA
Phone: 370-2-764218 / Fax: 370-2-764254
LITHUANIA / 1995 / Lithuanian / B? / 35mm / 31 min

Kornelijus Matuzevicius

1944年生まれ。1970年にキャメラマンとしてリトアニア映画撮影所に入る。モスクワの国立映画学校(VGIK)を卒業。これまで40本のドキュメンタリー映画とリトアニア時事ニュースで数百本のニュース映画を撮ってきた。監督としての作品には『Something from the Walker's Life』(87)、『Illusions』(93)、『Bread of Dust』(94)、『Reminiscence』(96)、『Anticipation』(97)などがある。

Born in 1944 in Joniskis, Lithuania. Joined the Lithuanian Film Studio as a cameraman in 1970. Graduated from Moscow Cinematography Institute VGIK. He has filmed 40 documentaries and several hundred episodes for the newsreel Lithuanian Chronicle. Filmography as director includes Something from the Walker's Life (87), Illusions (93), Bread of Dust (94), Reminiscence (96), Anticipation (97).

Diana Matuzevicien?

1969年に助監督としてリトアニア映画撮影所に入る。コーネリユスの映画に脚本家として参加し、また共同監督としての作品には『Illusions』(93)、『Bread of Dust』(94)、 『Reminiscence』(96)、『Anticipation』(97) などがある。

Born in Naujamiestis, Panev斯ys district. Joined the Lithuania Film Studio as director's assistant in 1969. Has collaborated with Kornelijus's films as scriptwriter and co-director in films including Illusions (93), Bread of Dust (94), Reminiscence (96), Anticipation (97).


シベリア抑留と家族崩壊の壮絶な運命に翻弄された末の、孤独な暮らしをリトアニア人女性が語る。ひざを曲げ、荒れくれた手で教会の鐘を懸命に鳴らす姿に人生の重みと生きる勇気が映る。 In this film from Lithuania, the dramatic fate of an elderly woman is revealed. Despite the long years of exile in Siberia and the tragedy of her lost home, nobody can destroy the spirit in her, especially when she tolls the church bells as if to confirm her belief in life.



Director's Statement

We always wanted to create films on our own. After the collapse of the Soviet system, the established order at the Lithuanian Film Studio also crumbled. The directors were no longer on the payroll and the fields of activity that used to be distributed among directors by apparent " mutual agreement " became open to everybody. We thus had an opportunity to create our own films. We took advantage of the situation and started working right after independence was declared. We would shoot films no matter how small the budget obtained. To tell you the truth, budgets were very modest. We reduced the crew to two people. Diana and I proved that, if extra funds cannot be obtained, you can always get by, using whatever is available. It is very satisfying to work on the set when each is doing his own job. It goes without saying that, while shooting, I am a cameraman. We do not distribute duties and our rights are equal. We both see things in the same way. Often on the set, one look says everything. During the shooting, we try to preserve as sensitive an atmosphere as possible, and I think our characters sense that.
- Kornelijus Matuzevicius
(Excerpt from interview article)


Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee