カメラは観察者になれるし、常に"覗き屋"の視点となることは必然だ。そして覗き屋は常に、自分の観察する"現実"に入り込もうと必死だ。残念ながらフィクションの映画のほうがたいていの場合、“現実世界”への覗き的まなざしよりもより生々しく、生命力がある。ではなぜ真実に近づくのに観察の手段を使い、詩と芸術の夢には入らないのか?それはただ道を歩いている他人を見るほうがよりドラマチックで、より人間の存在に近づくことだから。その観察の相手を欲望し、彼の夢にまで入り込むか、さもなくば彼の(平凡な)生の外に留まるか、さもなくばそこに入り込むか―アカの他人でいるか、愛人となるか、そのなかでは自分が誰でもない他者の現実、そこであなたは狂い、無関心であり、憎み、愛することができる!・…映画作家よ! |
Juror's Statement
What is a kiss? - What is a documentary?
A kiss could be as well the kiss of Judas: but is this kiss a
kiss of hate or the contrary, an act of love? To have got a kiss
could be some sort of passive glamour--like being crucified and
loved and destroyed and adored and observed at the same instant.
The camera can be the observer and it must always be the eye of
the " voyeur. " And this voyeur is trying desperately to enter
his observed " reality. " Unfortunately, cinematographic fiction
seems in most of the cases more vivid, more alive than the voyeuristic
glance at the "real world."ァ? So why pretend to be closer to truth
employing observation and not entering into the dream of the poetic
arts? Because to look at somebody walking in the street is more
dramatic and more close to the existing human being, it enables you to desire the one you are observing,
to enter into his dream, or to stay out of his (average) life or to enter into it: to be a stranger, a lover, a nobody in that
reality of the other where you could become mental, indifferent,
hate or love!...A filmmaker! |