10月12日 Oct. 12 (Sun.) 親子のためのプログラムFor Family Viewing |
Publications / index / Japanese Documentary |
「コミニュティ・ケアへの道」 |
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企画:伊藤方文 Planning : Ito Hobun Production |
戦前の松竹京都撮影所での助監督を経て、戦後ドキュメンタリーの監督としてデビューした柳澤壽男は1960年代の後半『夜明け前の子どもたち』から心身障害児を撮り続けるようになった。以後作品は20年間で5本。それぞれが厳しい視線を投げかける。1982年の本作は、愛知県知多市を舞台に、まず知恵遅れの成人たちの日常がそれぞれ示される。45歳になったトキくんは、書店の本の整理やパチンコ屋の吸殻掃除など13軒を一日に二回まわる“仕事”を、毎日スケジュールどおりにこなしている。また“不良”のノボルくん、いつも竹の棒を武器にしている51歳のカヨちゃんなど、それぞれの世界が最初に示される。そして親たちの交流によって、いつの間にか彼らが集合するコミュニティが生まれ始めた。自治体の反対も乗り越えての引っ越しが始まる。彼らは指導員たちとともに、自分たちで考え設計した“家”を作ることになったのだ。それは自治体や親たちにとっては不可能だと考えた事態であった。映画の後半、借り受けた宿舎を彼ら自身が改造し、共同作業所「ポパイのいえ」と名付けるコミュニティを完成させる様子を丹念に写し、それぞれが適材適所を発見し始めるのを我々は目にすることになるのである。 | Having worked as an assistant director at Shochiku in Kyoto before the war, Yanagisawa Hisao made his d暫ut as a director of documentaries in the post war period. Beginning in the late 1960s with the release of his Children Before the Dawn ( " Yoake mae no kodomotachi, " 1968) he has continued to document disabled children. From that time he altogether made 5 films over 20 years, casting his critical gaze in a variety of directions. In this work, he shows the daily lives of a group of mentally disabled adults in Chita, Aichi Prefecture. 45 year old Toki strictly observes a daily working routine of simple tasks, straightening books on shelves in a book store, and visiting a regular circuit of pachinko parlors in order to empty their ashtrays. Yanagisawa introduces us to each of the film's subjects in a similar manner: " bad boy " Noboru for instance, or 51 year old Kayo, who fends off everyone with a bamboo stick. The community came into existence quite gradually, inspired by an exchange set up by some of the parents. Overcoming the objections of the local government association, the residents move into a rented building and, working with their guidance staff, they decide to create a facility based on plans they themselves have drawn up. Their parents and the local government association, however, believe that such a scheme is unworkable. In the rest of the film, we see a faithful portrayal of the group figuring out who should be assigned what task as they remodel and finally complete work on the building turning it into a communal work place they dub " Popeye House. " |
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |