10月9日 Oct. 9 (Thur.) この機会に見たい異色作A Must See Collection of Unique Films |
Publications / index / Japanese Documentary |
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企画・制作・監督:渡辺義充 Producer, Director : Watanabe Yoshimitsu |
元暴走族BLACK EMPERORの幹部渡辺義充はラジオ局のアシスタントやレポーターを経験後、古巣に帰り暴走族の映画を撮り始める。この時渡辺は未だ21才であった。暴走族とはかつてはカミナリ族とも呼ばれ、深夜に改造した車やバイクに乗って集団で都会を暴走するティーンエイジャーの集団である。警察を敵とし、パトカーとチェイスすることが、彼らなりの社会への反抗である。独特の服装でグループを成し敵対するグループとの抗争も繰り広げるため内部の結束力は強い。彼らは毎週土曜日の夜に出没し一晩中、目的のない暴走を繰り返す。しかし1978年12月1日新道路交通法による規制により、彼らの「暴走の季節」は終わりに近づいていた。映画はこの最後の夜に向かってただ走り続ける彼らの姿を映し出す。当時全国的にも広がっていた暴走族への興味から一般配給され一般の劇場で公開された珍しい作品。映画の中でも監督宣言をした渡辺はこの後タイ、インド、ネパール、チベットを巡り『伝承(Transmission)』(1992)の撮影を終え、その編集後に若くして他界した。 |
After working as a reporter and an assistant at a radio station, Watanabe Yoshimitsu, former leader of the bosozoku gang Black Emperor, returned to his old stomping grounds and began to make a film about bosozoku. At the time, he was 21. The teenage members of the bosozoku group, also known as " Thunder " would get into their revamped motorbikes and cars and race around the city. With the police as their enemies, they ran from patrol cars and did other defiant acts. They would put on outlandish clothing and, as a result of fights with rival groups, were very loyal to other members of their own gang. Every Saturday, they would cruise around, vanish and reappear throughout the entire night with no particular goal. However on 1 December 1978, because of provisions in the new highway transport law, the end was at hand for their " season of running wild. " The film shows them simply continuing to run wild on this last night before the law is to take effect. Because the spread of bosozoku across the nation in those days engendered so much interest in those days, this fascinating film was distributed widely and played in commercial theaters. Director Watanabe, whose statement appears in the film, died prematurely after finishing work on Transmission ( " Densho, " 1992), a film shot in Thailand, India, Nepal, and Tibet. (Bosozoku are groups of youths who cruise around city streets late at night on motorbikes and in cars, often revving their engines or racing at high speeds.) |
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |