韓国 KOREA |
Publications / index / New Asian Currents |
Director : Lee Ji-young |
1966年10月15日生まれ。高麗大学文学部心理学科卒業。1992年、労働者ニュースプロダクションに入団。全国労働組合協議会(Korea Trade Union Congress)外国公報ビデオ『KTUC』(1992年、30分)で演出デビュー。代表作品に『Labor News Video Magazine No. 16』(94年・総演出)、『Laws for Laborers 』(95年)、『Until the Day of Liberation of Labor』(95年・共同演出)など。 Born in 1966. Studied psychology at Koryo University. Joined the Labor News Production Collective in 1992. Made her directorial debut with KTUC (1992) the international news video for the Korea Trade Union Congress. Her works include The Labor News Video Magazine No. 16 (1994), Democratic Labor Union Building News No. 1 and 2 (1995), The Democratic Labor Union from 1987-1995 (1995), Laws for Laborers (1995), Until the Day of Liberation of Labor(1995). |
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韓国各地の労働闘争を映像に収め、ニュース・ビデオの形で流通させているグループによる製作。軍事政権下の1980年代から、文民政権を経て、現在まで、労働運動や政治運動のために不当解雇された労働者たちの生の声を伝える。1991年に絶望したひとりの衝撃的な自殺を中心に、政府の弾圧や大企業の横暴に抵抗するため各地の労働者が連帯していく様子をインタビューと現場の映像で語っていく。 | When the nationwide general strike in Korea hit world news this year, video activists at Labor News Production were hard at work recording events around the country. The Fired Workers, a new documentary from this group, projects the voices of workers fired for their activities in the labor union or political movements since the 1980s. Opening with the shocking 1991 suicide of a fired activist, interviews and footage of demonstrations, hunger strikes, and other acts of protest show how the struggle against government control and corporate abuse took place. |
監督のことば 長い時間だった。しかし、その時間は私の人生において最も重要な時間だった。憤怒、絶望、同志愛、そんな数多くの感情のスペクトルの中では、他のいかなる作業もこれほどまでに私を成長させてくれることはないだろう。「全解闘」の解雇労働者たちは、カメラが捉えた漠然とした被写体ではなく、私の同志だった。カメラは、機械ではない私の意識の目だった。彼らと共に呼吸をし、泣き、笑った歳月の中で、私は真の労働運動家として成長することになった。今でも、つらい時があると、彼らを思い出す。そして彼らから元気を得る。「全解闘」の同志たちに愛していると伝えたい。 |
Director's Statement It took a long time but it was one of the most important times of my life. There is probably no other type of work that could have made me grow as much as the emotional spectrum of anger, disappointment, comrade love that I experienced working on this film. The workers of the Committee for the National Struggle of Fired Workers were not merely subjects captured by my camera. They were my comrades. As I was no machine, the camera was the eye of my consciousness. I grew as a real part of the family of the workers ' movement, crying, laughing and shouting with them. Even now when I come across difficult times, I think of them and gain strength from them. I would like to express my love for my comrades of the Committee for the National Struggle of Fired Workers. |
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee |